Sunday, October 01, 2006

Woman as explained by Engineers !

Finally - An Explanation to woman that makes sense to man

Element - Woman
Symbol - not known
Discoverer - Adam
Atomic mass - Accepted as 55Kg, but known to vary from
45kg to 225kg

Physical properties:
1. Body surface normally covered with film of powder and paint
2. Boils at absolutely nothing - freezes for no apparent reason
3. Found in various grades ranging from virgin material to common

Chemical Properties:

1. Reacts well to Gold, platinum and all precious stones
2. Explodes spontaneously without reason or warning
3. The most powerful money reducing agent known to man

Common use :

1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports car
2. can greatly aid relaxation
3. can be very effective cleaning agent


1. Turns green when places alongside a superor specimen
2. possession of more than one is possible but specimens
must never make eye contact

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